Decluttering Services in Washington, DC

Home Organizing Service in Alexandria, VA

What is decluttering?

Decluttering is sorting and purging the heaps of things that you no longer use and don’t want anymore. It’s likely such things have been in a room,
a closet, a drawer, or on the couch for a year or more. Decluttering is necessary before organizing can proceed. We should declutter our homes each
season–meaning winter, spring, summer, and fall. Lavender Organizes provides those necessary decluttering services in Washington, DC, and Alexandria,
VA, as well as Silver Springs and Bethesda, MD, and follows up with home organization services.

Questions for you:

1. Have you lived in your home 3 to 30+ years? If yes, when is the last time you decluttered    your entire home?

2. Are you getting ready for a big move?

3. Do you want to downsize?

4.Do you want to invite family or friends over but choose not to because of the clutter?

5. Are you thinking about selling your home, but overwhelmed by the amount of clutter?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it’s time to get Lavender Organizes involved. Lavender Organizes is calm, genuine, and kind, and we
take pleasure in helping people. Lavender Organizes will sort through your belongings, making different piles for clothes, donations, paper, and much
more. Once we remove what’s no longer needed, then we can begin to organize; it’s a process.


When you use our decluttering services in Washington, DC, you’ll gain peace and comfort in your home. Lavender Organizes will then organize what you
choose to keep in a way that keeps the items readily available to you, without clutter. If you know you need to declutter and you’re ready to let go, free
up space, and feel more serenity in your home, call Lavender Organizes today.

Detail Your Services

A cluttered home can cause you stress and make you feel overwhelmed. Lavender Organizes is dedicated to helping you
achieve balance in your everyday life. As a talented home organizer, Lavender wants to help you feel happy in your home in
Alexandria, VA.

CALL TODAY: (703) 347-7537